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May 3 - Volunteer with greener Baltimore and Volunteer Central!

Friends of Baltimore Parks Day - Celebrate National Volunteer Week and Earth Day! Roll up your sleeves and join over 300 volunteers as we work to beautify and enhance three Baltimore City parks. Activities will include: gardening, watering, and general clean up. Learn about the environment and best practices for "green" living and support the "friends" groups that are responsible for the preservation of Baltimore's parks.

Saturday, May 3rd
8:00 – 8:45 a.m. Registration and kick-off
9:00 – 12 noon, Volunteer work
Noon – 1:00 p.m. Lunch and green-at-home educational program

Kick-off location is Middle Branch Park. Volunteers will also work at Carroll and Latrobe Parks. All three parks are located in South and Southwest Baltimore. Directions will be provided upon registration.

Click here for directions and here for a flyer!

Business and other groups are welcome! Bring your co-workers and friends together for a great day of giving back.

Families are welcome! Children should be 5 years and older and accompanied by an adult. This event counts towards students’ community service hours for school.

Click Here to Register!

Reusable tote bags for every participant!

Supporting volunteer park service projects in Baltimore City parks
Department of Recreation and Parks

3001 East Drive, Baltimore, MD 21217
501(c)(3) account administered by the Baltimore City Foundation