Baltimore City Recreation and Parks and Baltimore Green Week are teaming up again for the fifth annual Baltimore Green Week and EcoFestival!
Baltimore Green Week kicks off on Saturday, April 26 from 11am-5pm with the Ecofestival. Ecofestival is a fun event for families and residents of Baltimore and will include over 100 vendors and exhibitors, an EcoArt gallery, a rain barrel workshop, guided nature walks, toxic tours, music, healthy food for sale, and more! Rain date: April 27.
The fun doesn't stop there. During the week of April 28th, join local leaders, nonprofits and eco-friendly companies in a series of day and evening events that promote a sustainable way of living. Click here for more information and a schedule of events.
Want to get involved? We still need volunteers for Ecofestival! Email to find out how you can help.
This site features updates and information on projects for Baltimore Green Week all year long!
Baltimore Green Week and Ecofest!
Posted on Monday, April 14, 2008
Supporting volunteer park service projects in Baltimore City parks
Department of Recreation and Parks
3001 East Drive, Baltimore, MD 21217
501(c)(3) account administered by the Baltimore City Foundation