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Shape Up Parks! April 5, 2008

Plan or volunteer for a park service project in a park near you!

Join Baltimore City Recreation and Parks for Shape Up Parks, our bi-annual volunteer service day, and help get a jump start on spring cleaning.

On Saturday, April 5, 2008 from 9am to 12pm come out to mulch, weed, clean, and paint our parks and playgrounds!

If you are an individual volunteer or a school, church or business group, contact us so we can help connect you with a park project that fits your needs.

If you are a park stewardship group, get in touch with us and we can assist your group in registering your project, planning your activities, and finding additional supplies and volunteers.

This year Shape Up Parks and Project Clean Stream are working together to clean our parks and streams. Visit the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay to learn more about how you can get involved with a stream clean up in your area (including the surrounding counties!)

Supporting volunteer park service projects in Baltimore City parks
Department of Recreation and Parks

3001 East Drive, Baltimore, MD 21217
501(c)(3) account administered by the Baltimore City Foundation