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Baltimore's Urban Forest Project begins!

The Urban Forest Project is coming to Baltimore April 11th-June 28th!

On Wednesday, March 19 the first of 300+ banners was hung at the corner of Patterson Park Ave and Eastern Ave near Patterson Park.

This project by Tilt Studio Inc., brings together 200 artists, designers and College students, 75+ K-12 students, and another 100+ businesses to produce a visual story based on the image of a tree and the idea of sustainability. Each participant was asked to design a banner, to be hung throughout Baltimore City. The banners will lead visitors to Druid Hill Park, Wyman Park Dell, Herring Run Park, Patterson Park and Carroll Park. Each park will have installations and day long events that help to promote and drive traffic to the park.

Keep an eye out for the banners as they are installed in the next few weeks. Check out a map of where the banners will be hung and find out about upcoming events by visiting the Urban Forest Project.

Photo courtesy of Zoe Gensheimer.

Supporting volunteer park service projects in Baltimore City parks
Department of Recreation and Parks

3001 East Drive, Baltimore, MD 21217
501(c)(3) account administered by the Baltimore City Foundation