Want more information on what's going on with Baltimore Green Week? 

This site features updates and information on projects for Baltimore Green Week all year long!
Check here often for our calendar of events, slideshows from projects and more...

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Check back here often to see updates about upcoming and past park events

Welcome to greenerbaltimore.blogspot.com

Thank you for visiting greenerbaltimore.blogspot.com and helping to make Baltimore a cleaner and greener city!

Visit this page to find out about upcoming park service projects and park events sponsored by Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks and our partner park stewardship groups.

Don't have time to check back every day? Have updates sent directly to your email, subscribe to greenerbaltimore's e-newsletter by emailing green@baltimorecity.gov with the subject line "SUBSCRIBE" or fill out the form on the sidebar above.

Supporting volunteer park service projects in Baltimore City parks
Department of Recreation and Parks

3001 East Drive, Baltimore, MD 21217
501(c)(3) account administered by the Baltimore City Foundation